“Oh Wow, she sure is busy!” There was that word again… busy. “Oh yeah, she is VERY busy!” I said with a half-smile as I attempted to turn the corner with the obnoxious, immobile, race-car shopping cart that we just HAD to use. Picture this - my rambunctious toddler hanging out the side, half buckled, arms waving as she screams for “Mow Ogurt” all while a whimpering newborn strapped to my milk-soaked chest begins to hunger squawk. I start to feel sweaty and overwhelmed because I still have 10 things on my list, but we are losing our cool and I am not brave enough to nurse this baby in public. So, I must abandon the cart and head for the car. As I’m attempting to pull said busy child out of the car cart, I am stopped by a fellow grocery shopper who felt the need to say something. Mama-hood was rough, and I was in the thick of it, just trying to keep everyone alive and once again- I was blindsided by another “busy” comment. For those of you that don’t know, “busy” has become a somewhat socially accepted way of telling someone that their kid is an a-hole. Fast forward a few years and I can’t even recall how many times I have been told how “busy” my children are or how many side eyes and head shakes I have received. I KNOW they are loud. I KNOW they are running and dancing around the store. I KNOW that I gave them candy in exchange for a moment of peace. If anyone is truly busy here, I’d say that it is me. I am very BUSY, and I am TRYING my hardest! So, unless you have something nice and uplifting to say, don’t say anything at all. If you see a parent out and about that is struggling try to offer a helping hand, a word of encouragement, or even a simple smile. Your small act of kindness could have a big impact on someone who is one glass of spilt milk away from a mental breakdown. I see parents daily who look like they are at the end of their rope. There have been so many times that I have wanted to say something but didn’t. Recently, I saw someone on social media share a picture of a Post-It that someone had left on her car. It said something along the lines of, “Hey you! You are doing amazing! Keep it up!” and I thought to myself, what a simple and amazing idea to encourage each other and spread some kindness. Which in turn, brought me to the idea of starting a #sticktokindness project. My goal is to be the friendly face, kind word, or high-five that these parents (or anyone for that matter) need on the rough days. If you’d like to join in on the fun, you can grab a Post-It pad, jot some encouraging notes and keep them in your wallet/purse for the next time you bump in to someone who needs a pick-me-up. Share them on social media and tag #sticktokindness. I wonder how far we could spread the love? To all of you out there who are questioning your sanity day in and day out- YOU ARE AMAZING. Through all the exhausting trips to the store, miserable car rides, and never-ending bedtimes, I have come to find that my very “busy” children are also incredibly witty, intelligent, and funny. They are the kind of people that can and will move mountains and I am sure yours will too! Well, I know they will because they have freaking awesome parents like you! The days are long but the years are short – Hang in there and stick to kindness! <3 Skye T.